Smita Paranjape
2 min readApr 3, 2018

How to mentally train your mind to strongly pass through criticism , obstacles , negativity and naysayers …….

Emotional agility is like navigating through the maze of human emotions effortlessly .When we understand emotions for what they are ….energy set in motion depending on our perceptions and filters .This energy gets translated into thoughts and it gets transformed into actions . When the brain perceives that it won’t be able to get the task done because the person around him says NO , it creates an emotion of negative tone .If we look at emotions as data and not US and step back to notice and label the emotion and give a name to it for example saying ..I am FEELING sad instead of I am SAD …. it is found that the emotional processing center of our Brain …the limbic system calms down and the decision maker ….the PRE-FRONTAL CORTEX — the actual CEO is able to focus on the long term Goal (what’s important in the larger context )and then responds appropriately to the trigger .The situation gets diffused and a difficult conversation can be navigated in a mature manner. When our values ,biases and perceptions are not in alignment with the other person’s filters , the human brain releases fight,flight or freeze neurohormones like Adrenaline, Cortisol to warn us of the hostile environment so that we could react or respond appropriately and save our life ! In olden times when we were worried about the wild animals this served us well but in today’s modern context it can become a bit of a nuisance ! Rather than getting triggered by negativity if we focus on solutions , the Pre-frontal cortex of our brain remains active and tries for an amicable way out !

Smita Paranjape

Leadership Coach , Cell biologist, writer . I write at the intersection of Human Biology , Communication, Focus and Clarity to achieve thriving results .