Smita Paranjape
1 min readApr 3, 2018

Cross — roads / Prosperity mindset coaching — —

It’s a brain based decision making program ….. there are many decision making tools and techniques but this is one tool which works beautifully and its a lot of fun too !

When the human brain feels that it has less money or less food or less love , it gets hijacked into insecure scarcity mindset!! It’s that simple ! Using brain based communication and minfulness strategies we create a wealthy mindset which triggers insights in your brain …triggering positive set of neurotransmitters , the brain in that moment feels secure and safe and can think of new inspiring possibilities and options to move forward even when the current reality looks bleak .An accountability of a brain coach certainly helps especially when you are standing at a decision point where one direction is a choice based in fear and the other choice is based in love .The emotional upheavals at these junctures can be overwhelming ! At such times a brain coach is like a sensible friend who holds your hand and helps you cross over the valley towards a more empowering solutions .Very powerful coaching for people in leadership roles both in personal and professional life .

Smita Paranjape

Leadership Coach , Cell biologist, writer . I write at the intersection of Human Biology , Communication, Focus and Clarity to achieve thriving results .