Smita Paranjape
2 min readNov 5, 2020

Caliberate to evolve

A simplified practice grounded in neuroscience to caliberate effectively and gently to stretch your comfort zone and expand and eventually evolve and grow to the next version of yourself inside and out . When the inner game shifts , the outer game shifts too !

The main framework to focus on a daily basis is —

Cultivating conscious new habits in the same area where you want the shift . For example if I want to cultivate a more steady emotional base in my personality …. have more courage and self belief as a leader both in my personal and professional life , we could create a personalised reframing toolkit which understands the emotional base that you currently feel most of the time and the beliefs ( aka consistent thought loops )that you hold that are triggering those emotions . Reframing your current thoughts to the next level that still feel believable to your brain yet are of better quality and consciously practicing them one day at a time can work wonders for your inner mind game to shift . Once you feel confident then the mind opens up to a new higher level thought that inspires you to plan an action that benefits the project’s success or a personal relationship’s success . Keep in mind that a higher broader perspective where its a clearly beneficial action for all parties concerned is crucial because the human brain has a kick back mechanism in place ! As soon as an action is taken it releases the neurochemicals in your blood stream ( and that for sure is not in your hands!!) and continues to do so . So if the action has benefitted only you and has created less than favourable results for others then that is false courage and the euphoria felt due to in the moment neurochemistry is going to be short lived and your brain will start rationalising or justifying .On the contrary if you take a fair action for all parties concerned that’s sustained courage based on a true belief ( I prefer measurable scientifically grounded ) , the kick back in the brain will quickly shift from anxiety or fear to inner strength and a feeling of calm !! This feeling of calm in the mind will continue to increase ! Congratulations you just evolved to the next level ! Of course you will have to continue the above conscious practice to solidify the new emotional base and the process continues ! Why do you think this is so important ? As I mentioned earlier when the inner game shifts ,the outer game shifts too !

Smita Paranjape

Leadership Coach , Cell biologist, writer . I write at the intersection of Human Biology , Communication, Focus and Clarity to achieve thriving results .